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Principal Actors

Wilbur Mauk as 'Moshe',
Lead Actor in
The Man Who Came to Dinner

Hayden Bishop as 'Naomi',
Lead Actress in
A Midsummer's Night Dream

Collin Alexander Brown as 'Gunter',
Principal Actor in

Garry Nation as Seth (Man)
‘Robert E. Lee’ in
Legends & Lies: The Civil War

Berle Stocks as Supt. of Ed.
Supporting Actor in
Fatal Attraction

Ashleigh Burnette
Lead Actress in 'Operation Resist'
Ashleigh is a native of metro Atlanta, GA. She started acting at 11 years of age. Ashleigh enjoys acting for both film and stage. She also sings and has been in several musicals including The Little Mermaid Jr (as Ariel), 13 (as Charlotte), Seussical the Musical, and Aladdin Jr. Recently Ashleigh began modeling and has appeared on the cover of several magazines. Ashleigh will graduate from high school in 2019 to pursue acting full time.
Supporting Actors

Col. Doug Mastriano as 'Col. Peter Ortiz',
Himself in
A New Biography of the Hero of the Argonne

John Buckey as 'Caspar',
Commercial Actor for
Numerous Nationwide Corporate Clients

Rebekah Stought as 'Geertruida',
Supporting Actress in

Joseph Moran as 'Joshua',
Supporting Actor in
The Little Red Hen

Lauren H Davis as 'Corrie',
Supporting Actress in
Homeward Bound WNC's 'Hope'

Jen Milem Pierce as 'Betsie',
Supporting Actress in
John Hudson as '1st Lt. George Hearn',
Supporting Actor in
Deficiency Notice
James Tavelle Jr as 'Klaus',
Supporting Actor in
Faith's Song

Clay Smith as 'James Beatty',
Supporting Actor in
Gary Watson as 'Mark',
Supporting Actor in
Madeline Tesh as 'Finch',
Supporting Actress in
The Righteous
Krysten Vanvuuren as "Holly"
Supporting Actress in
Operation Resist (2019)

Tara Solomon as "Jasmine"
Lead Actress in
The MouseTrap

Mellie White as 'Audrey'
Supporting Actress in
Teach Me
Summer O' Berry as 'Anne',
Supporting Actress in
Kids Take Nashville
Daniel Berger as 'Joop Westerweel',
National Speaker and Serial Author
on Mental Illness
Amy Reno as 'Tiny Mulder',
Supporting Actress in
Prince Caspian

Michael Moore as 'Walter',
Supporting Actor in
Operation Resist (2019)
Featured Actors

Amber Swager as 'Leah',
Supporting Actress in
Prince Caspian
Tad Denney as 'Lars',
Lead Actor in
Little Women

Camille Creps as 'Ruth',
Lead Actress in
The Hysterical History of the Trojan War
Daniel Moran as 'Nazi Soldier'
Featured Actor in
Operation Resist (2019)
Parker Bowen as 'Seth (Boy)',
Supporting Actor in
Beauty and the Beast

Katelyn Mills as 'Sarah',
Lead Actress in
Then Mend It
Rebbie Mastriano as 'Cafe Lady'
Featured Actor in
Resist (2019)
Josiah Mastriano as 'Nazi Soldier'
Featured Actor in
Resist (2019)

Jonathan Bentley as 'Nazi Soldier'
Featured Actor in
Operation Resist (2019)

Laura Mae Stacey as 'Gali'
Lead Actor in
Guess What Today Is?

Alexis Mills as 'Rachel',
Lead Actress in
Game On: Smocket

Earle Bluff as 'Nazi Soldier'
Supporting Actor in
Babylon Connection

Ethan Cudic as 'Nazi Soldier'
Featured Actor in
Operation Resist (2019)
Chad Eubanks as 'Nazi Soldier'
Featured Actor in
Operation Resist (2019)
Jonathan Scott as 'Nazi Soldier'
Featured Actor in
Operation Resist (2019)
Principal Crew

James Bessinas,
Sound Engineer,
Founder of L.A.M.B. Prod. Studios
Art Thondhala,
Director of Photography
D.P. in Se Levanta

James Moran,
Writer, Director, Producer
Founder of Ethos Movies
Ana Moran,
Assistant Director
A.D. in Resist (2019)
Amy Reno,
Hair & Makeup Artist
Hair /MUA for Logos Theatre
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