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Premiere of 'Operation Resist' (2019)
A capacity crowd pouring into the auditorium in the 11th hour, tears shed over the lives of honorable men and women helping innocent men,...

Audrey Hepburn's Secret
Ethos Movies published the following Tweet regarding Audrey Hepburn's past as an aide to the Dutch Resistance. Republishing here for you...

'Operation Resist' Will Never Forget
Never again! Never forget! Watch out for the upcoming movie 'Operation Resist' which will premiere in an embassy in Washington, DC this...

NEWSFLASH: Composer Chosen
'Operation Resist', the upcoming movie slated for its world premiere in an embassy in Washington, DC, has a composer for its film score!...

Movie Premieres in DC
I am pleased to announce that the embassy in DC has graciously offered to host in April the world premiere of our movie 'Operation...

'Operation Resist' Mini Movie Trailer
'Operation Resist' still has the main work of post-production ahead of it, including the audio, color processing, music, subtitles,...

'Operation Resist' Video Clip
Please accept this unedited video clip with no audio, understanding that it will look much better once we finish post-production and put...

'Operation Resist' BTS Photos
Behind- the-scenes photos from our action movie 'Operation Resist' can be viewed below. This movie can be viewed upon its release on...

'Operation Resist' - More Stills
'Operation Resist' is an emotional action movie highlighting the resistance movement of World War II who were responsible for rescuing...

'Operation Resist' (2019) Stills
Behind the Scenes photo stills of a recent 'Operation Resist' (2019) from our Summer 2018 production shoot. Please let us know what you...
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